Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to a Freshman again!

I am now in my second week of school. It has definitely been an adjustment with getting back into school mode. My classes are Mon-Thurs, almost all of them in the evenings, which throws my schedule off a bit since I am use to studying at night and spending the evenings with Ryan.

Parking is atrocious! Maybe it's because of my sense of entitlement, but I would think that there would be privileges for grad students since: a) we already have survived undergrad, b) we are considered as the "seniors" of the school--seniority rights, c) we pay more money for grad student tuition!!!

Starting in a new school has been a surprise too. Wandering around looking for classrooms/buildings, not knowing people, not knowing the "insider" hints in making school life easier...guess that just comes with being a "UNM transplant".

But enough of the gripes. Overall, I think this will be a great experience and that not only will I learn about the subject matter, but also about myself.

I know a lot of people have been posting their kids' first day of school pics, and my friend joked about me doing one, but I decided to post a pic of something that will endure the next few years of classes with me:


Theresa said...

Cute backpack! You should take an Institute class, wherein you get free parking! Or, if you have class after 2, its free anyways! Hang in there!

Natalie said...

Haha... I love the back pack!

Erica said...

You go girl!

Emily said...

Have fun! Remember who you are! (Isn't that what all moms say to their kids before they head off to school?)

Mariela said...

i bet you are doing such an awesome job! You took on a lot of classes! You're amazing!

Mary said...

What a fun blog! I love your back pack. I looked like such a nerd in college and you're so hip! Can we still be friends?