Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm Officially a New Mexican!

I've been a huge slacker with blogging over the holidays. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! Quick recap of ours: Ryan and I took a road trip to Utah (this Christmas was Ryan's family--UT, next year is my family--FL) for Christmas and unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures! Yeah, that's probably something I really need to work on. Anyway, it was a very busy trip and we were able to visit with lots of family and friends.

Now that the holidays have come and gone, I finally decided to become an official resident of New Mexico by switching out my drivers license. Ryan did his right away when we moved down (so responsible!), but I just kept delaying for no apparent reason--maybe it's my inner rebellion against conformism or something. Anyway, Ryan said it was a very painless process and that I should not take the risk of not updating my license in fear of a potential penalty fee. Taking his word for it, I decided that I should be a good denizen of New Mexico and get it done.

Needless to say, my experience was not smooth and easy like Ryan's. I even went to the less crowded MVD. After filling out the same form 3 times, getting my picture taken 2 times, answering the same redundant questions about another 4 times (address, height, weight), going to the MVD 2 times in a matter of 2 hours (they had to close for lunch in the middle of my license being processed), and roughly 2-2.5 hours of wasted time waiting (especially when I think of the hours as billable rates for work!), I FINALLY got my temporary drivers license! Talk about inefficiencies! I even began analyzing the flow process while I was there. (Maybe I should have presented them my assessment and billed them for my time) Thankfully, I do not have to renew my license for another 8 years...


Ann said...

LOL...yes indeed, that is why I'm not an official Coloradan yet. :)

Emily said...

Yikes! No wonder you don't want to be a New Mexican just yet. I have DMVs...Luckily, I had a much better experience in Florida.