Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to a Freshman again!

I am now in my second week of school. It has definitely been an adjustment with getting back into school mode. My classes are Mon-Thurs, almost all of them in the evenings, which throws my schedule off a bit since I am use to studying at night and spending the evenings with Ryan.

Parking is atrocious! Maybe it's because of my sense of entitlement, but I would think that there would be privileges for grad students since: a) we already have survived undergrad, b) we are considered as the "seniors" of the school--seniority rights, c) we pay more money for grad student tuition!!!

Starting in a new school has been a surprise too. Wandering around looking for classrooms/buildings, not knowing people, not knowing the "insider" hints in making school life easier...guess that just comes with being a "UNM transplant".

But enough of the gripes. Overall, I think this will be a great experience and that not only will I learn about the subject matter, but also about myself.

I know a lot of people have been posting their kids' first day of school pics, and my friend joked about me doing one, but I decided to post a pic of something that will endure the next few years of classes with me: